Month: May 2024

The Basics of PC Hardware

By acceleratedsoftware

While PC parts are better labeled and cheaper today, their overall makeup hasn’t changed much. A central processor still serves as the computer’s hub and all other hardware connects to it; a chip called RAM keeps important currently-used data and codes ready for instant access; and a hard drive stores permanent files. Processor A processor,…

PC Software

By acceleratedsoftware

PC software is a wide collection of tools and programs designed to make your computer more useful, productive or entertaining. This includes word processors, music and video game consoles, design and graphics software and online communication tools like Skype or Google Hangouts. System software is the core that brings everything together; it handles how hardware…

A Guide to the Windows Operating System

By acceleratedsoftware

Windows is the graphical operating system developed by Microsoft. It is used on many computer devices, including personal computers and tablets. Its competitors include Apple’s macOS and the open source Linux operating system. The first version of windows was released in 1985. It was named after the graphical window element, which allows applications to be…

Why You Should Upgrade Your PC RAM

By acceleratedsoftware

RAM is the short-term memory for your computer processor. It provides the fast, high-speed storage that the CPU needs to run apps and open files. When your computer runs out of RAM, it must rely on the slower hard drive to manage tasks, slowing everything down. Adding more RAM can help restore your computer’s performance.…

Is it Time to Upgrade to Windows XP?

By acceleratedsoftware

Twenty years on from its release, windows xp remains one of Microsoft’s most successful operating systems. Its ability to prioritise the needs of users is a milestone in the history of computing. Insert the Windows XP CD and make sure that your computer is set to boot from it in the BIOS. Then wait while…

The Basics of PC Hardware

By acceleratedsoftware

The components inside a computer that make it perform are called pc hardware. These pieces are still doing the same basic functions they always did: motherboards serve as the central hub for everything; processors follow instructions; RAM stores data quickly for quick access; and hard drives store data long-term. The best PC hardware can handle…

Top 5 PC Software

By acceleratedsoftware

PC software consists of computer programs that enable the processing of input data. Input is given in complex human language and is converted by software into sets of instructions that are readable by a processor. There are three types of computer software: system software, application software and utility software. Each performs different functions. Speccy Speccy…

A Guide to Windows System Tools

By acceleratedsoftware

Windows is one of the world’s most popular operating systems. Microsoft regularly releases revised versions of the system for desktop computers and laptops. The version of Windows that came to be known as Windows 7 saw a radical overhaul to the interface that was not well-received by desktop users who wanted to control their computers…

What Is PC RAM?

By acceleratedsoftware

RAM is the short-term memory component of a computer that allows for data to be read and written almost instantaneously. It’s also the key to faster processing speeds for whatever you do on your laptop, desktop or tablet. Whether you’re typing an essay, saving a document or playing video games, the faster your RAM can…

What is Windows XP?

By acceleratedsoftware

Windows XP includes a variety of programs that allow you to connect to the internet and conduct online activities. It also offers various themes that you can use to customize the look and feel of your operating system. Select the partition on which you want to install XP. If the partition contains data, you may…